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Suppressed 2020: The Fight To Vote / Suppressed 2021: The War On Democracy

Suppressed 2020: The Fight To Vote is a short, powerful documentary about the growing threat of voter suppression in America. Deeply personal accounts from voters of color across the state of Georgia reveal deliberate, widespread voter suppression in the 2018 midterm election where Stacey Abrams fought to become the first Black female governor in the U.S. Polling place closures, voter purges, missing absentee ballots, extreme wait times and voter ID issues were in full effect again during the 2020 primaries and remain on-going across the country, all disproportionately affecting Black Americans and minorities from casting their ballots. Even amidst a global health crisis, the cruel weaponization of vote-by-mail restrictions turned the constitutional right to vote into a choice between life and death. Suppressed 2020 is a call to action against the calculated, unconstitutional and racist attacks intended to suppress the right to vote in America.

Suppressed 2021:The War On Democracy is a 5 minute film on the new barrage of voter suppression laws that Republican legislators are trying to pass in the wake of their 2020 defeat. It tells the story of the mounting fresh attacks on democracy, all based on debunked voter fraud conspiracies. Republicans are working to ensure that they take back the states they lost by suppressing the vote among the growing populations of color that turned out in 2020. As with Brave New Films’ longer documentary Suppressed 2020: The Fight To Vote, this short film is sounding the alarm to remind citizens, activists and politicians that the fight to vote continues.

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