Issue a stop-work order for the Mountain Valley and Atlantic Coast Pipelines

Members of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

The Mountain Valley and Atlantic Coast Pipelines will only exacerbate climate change, something we can’t afford, especially right now. Climate change is upon us. To have a chance at curbing its effects, we need to stop expensive investments in carbon-based fuels and instead increase investment in renewable sources of energy.

These pipelines disproportionately impact lower-income and elderly people, and African American and Native American communities. Even if climate change weren’t an issue, there are too many disputes about land rights and profits for me to be confident that these pipelines are in the best interest of all Virginians.

Our communities, health, environment, and future are at stake.

To: Members of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
From: Jackie Verrecchia

As a resident of Virginia, a person of faith, and citizen concerned about climate change and environmental justice, I ask you to issue a stop-work order for both the Mountain Valley and Atlantic Coast Pipelines immediately.

Why? These pipelines will only exacerbate climate change, something we can’t afford, especially right now. Climate change is upon us. To have a chance at curbing its effects, we need to stop expensive investments in carbon-based fuels and instead increase investment in renewable sources of energy.

In addition to the impacts on climate, I am concerned these pipelines disproportionately impact lower-income and elderly people, and African American and Native American communities. Even if climate change weren’t an issue, there are too many disputes about land rights and profits for me to be confident that these pipelines are in the best interest of all Virginians.

Please issue a stop-work order for both pipelines immediately. Our communities, health, environment, and future are at stake.