
Sen. Tina Smith describes being a U.S. Senator to the political science students at Richfield High School. The senator visited the high school to talk about politics and life as a senator.

High school students ask timely, important questions

The opportunity for high school students to ask questions of a United States senator doesn’t happen often.


Richfield High School political science students listen to Minnesota Sen. Tina Smith during a visit to the school. Students listening are Nicole Daggett, Juan Molina Escandon, and John Hughes.


Richfield High School student Luke Ott (right) waits his turn to ask a question of U.S. Sen. Tina Smith during a visit last week.


Richfield High School teacher Mike Harris (left) thanks Sen. Tina Smith for coming to the school to talk to students.


Sen. Tina Smith joins with Richfield High School students for a picture following her question-and-answer session last week at the school. From the left are Anna Howard, Isabel Farrell, Smith, and Ella Solle.

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