Photo of lots of students holding many signs with campaign messages written on pieces of cardboard.


We're People & Planet, a student network running co-ordinated campaigns against oppression and injustice. We cover most UK universities, providing support for local student campaign groups to organise through resources, events, training and comms. Working together in solidarity with those on the front lines we have changed university, corporate, government and international policies. We'd love you to join us.

Welcome to the the Campaigner Mode homepage!

We'll show you the latest campaign news, petitions etc. and hide all the stuff you probably already know.

Our campaigns

  • Fossil Free
    Students across the UK have forced their university to end investment in the fossil fuel industry. Could yours be next?
  • Through their investments, our universities are complicit in the cruelty inflicted by the border industry on migrating people. We are demanding that our universities divest from this abusive industry, as part of our struggle for a world free from borders.
  • Fossil Free Careers
    The Fossil Free Careers campaign is fighting to to end oil, gas, and mining industry recruitment at every university in the UK.

How sustainable is your university?

The University League ranks institutions by a huge range of sustainability criteria from carbon emissions to workers’ rights.

University League

People & Planet University League - screenshot showing top few universities, click for accessible list

Get in touch

We can help put you in contact with a friendly local campaigning group. Or feel free to ask us anything about our campaigns or the university league.

Contact us

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