Swarm Action Day

Start: Thursday, August 22, 2019 2:00 PM

End: Thursday, August 22, 2019 3:00 PM

In the lead up to the Global Climate Strikes in September and the XR International Autumn Rebellion starting on October 7th, XR Vancouver is beginning to gear up for disruption.

Come join local rebels as we swarm downtown to engage in peaceful protest while practicing basic roadblocking tactics. We welcome everyone and we need many hands and hearts to pitch in and cover roles.

No experience taking action? That’s okay! You can attend our training event the day before and participate in a rehearsal; in fact, we highly encourage everyone who wants to to come out for Thursday’s roadblock action to come on Wednesday and help prepare. This event is also for rebels to connect and find others ready to join affinity groups. Let’s have fun, build trust, and inspire each other with our collective courage!

Extinction Rebellion (XR) is an international movement that uses nonviolent civil disobedience to achieve radical change in order to minimize the risk of human extinction and ecological collapse.

We will not be led quietly to extinction by the elites and politicians, whose criminal inaction has led to the climate emergency that we now face. Conventional campaigning has failed. To survive, it’s going to take everything we’ve got.

Nonviolent civil disobedience is our last hope to get our government to listen to Canadians. Our sense of civil duty compels us to stand up for truth and sacrifice our comforts. We will work together with love, compassion, honour, resilience, and peace to challenge the toxic system that we live in.

We call on everyone that shares these values, regardless of your political beliefs, to join us in fighting for the survival of life on earth.

The time for denial is over. It is time to act.