Fair Districts Congressional Mapping Competition Feedback about Winning Maps
Congratulations to our three winning mapmakers. Their congressional maps scored high for proportionality, splits, compactness, minority representation, and competitiveness. Nevertheless, YOU are the expert about your own community. We want to hear from you about where our winners have drawn the lines in your community and how that will affect you. Are there changes that you think ought to be made? We can model a good process by having our winners respond to public input and improve their maps. We hope you will be part of the process.

Please analyze the three winning maps of the Fair Districts Congressional Mapping Competition, suggesting changes, including what should stay the same, in order to make the maps even better.

1st place map: bit.ly/OhioMapA; 1st place narrative: bit.ly/HagnerNarrative
2nd place map: bit.ly/OhioMapO; 2nd place narrative: bit.ly/NievesNarrative
3rd place map: bit.ly/OhioMapH; 3rd place narrative: bit.ly/JonesNarrative
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First Name *
Last Name *
County *
Current Congressional District *
What changes would you suggest? What should stay the same? 1st place map: bit.ly/OhioMapA & narrative: bit.ly/HagnerNarrative *
What changes would you suggest? What should stay the same? 2nd place map: bit.ly/OhioMapO & narrative: bit.ly/NievesNarrative *
What changes would you suggest? What should stay the same? 3rd place map: bit.ly/OhioMapH & narrative: bit.ly/JonesNarrative *
What other suggestions do you have for Congressional mapmakers? *
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