Senator Feinstein, Please Vote to End the Filibuster

Senator Dianne Feinstein

Please sign this petition asking Senator Feinstein to commit to voting to swiftly end the filibuster, particularly given the urgency of passing the “For The People Act.”

The timetable for passage of this bill is extremely time-sensitive given that the independent redistricting commissions it mandates must be formed in time to prevent gerrymandered Congressional district lines for the next decade. It is widely agreed that the “For the People Act” will most certainly not pass if the filibuster is left intact.

There does not appear to be a path to compromise on this issue. Senate Democrats must choose to overhaul the filibuster or sacrifice voting rights, along with other crucial legislation that the American people support.

Thank you for supporting this effort!
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San Rafael, CA

To: Senator Dianne Feinstein
From: Susan Morgan

Dear Senator Feinstein,

I respectfully ask that you commit to voting to swiftly end the filibuster, particularly given the urgency of passing the “For The People Act.” The timetable for passage of this bill is extremely time-sensitive given that the independent redistricting commissions it mandates must be formed in time to prevent gerrymandered Congressional district lines for the next decade.

Fair representation and voter access in America are under direct attack. We ask that you do all you can to protect these pillars of our democratic republic.

Most urgently, passage of the “For the People Act” provides a once-in-a-generation opportunity to protect our democracy from this assault. The Act expands voting rights, changes campaign finance laws to reduce the influence of money in politics, limits partisan gerrymandering, and creates new ethics rules for federal officeholders. The “For the People Act” fulfills our democratic ideal of a government that truly works for every single American.

In your nearly three decades of service in the United States Senate, you have consistently fought for voting rights, the environment, gun safety, and LGBTQ rights, among other issues of importance to our country. Progress on all of those crucial issues will be sacrificed in this Congress if the filibuster is left intact. While we appreciate your commitment to bipartisanship, that concept, unfortunately, no longer shapes today’s polarized Senate proceedings.

There does not appear to be a path to compromise on this issue. Senate Democrats must choose to overhaul the filibuster or sacrifice voting rights, along with other crucial legislation that the American people support. We hope that you will use your hard-earned position of seniority and leadership to publicly take the side of democracy.

Please vote to end the filibuster in order to pass the “For the People Act” and other critical legislation in the coming year.