Tell Your State Rep: Ensure the Green Economy Is an Equitable One

Offshore Wind

Tomorrow (Thursday, March 3, 2022), the MA House is voting on H. 4348 An Act Advancing Offshore Wind and Clean Energy, which would generate revenue for an offshore wind investment fund, establish a slate of tax credits and incentives to promote offshore wind, and launch a pilot program to connect high schools with offshore wind.

Massachusetts is well-positioned to be a leader in the renewable energy economy, but as we grow that sector, it is important that we make sure that all communities can benefit from the new opportunities provided.

Rep. Liz Miranda (D-Roxbury) filed an amendment to the bill (#10: Environmental Justice and Economic Opportunity) to do that.

The amendment would do the following:

  • Require diversity and inclusion plans for projects to be approved
  • Encourage coordination between state agencies, including the Supplier Diversity Office (SDO)
  • Increase accountability for diversity, equity, and inclusion goals by establishing a system for measuring and reporting progress.
  • Incorporate lessons learned from successful models used by other Commonwealth agencies

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