We Want to Live Action - Portland Oregon, Sept 21st 2020

Start: Monday, September 21, 2020 3:00 PM

On Monday, September 21, 2020, Extinction Rebellion America rebels across the United States will take to the streets in one-day actions around the theme “We Want to Live!” We will demand that our local governments tell the truth and sound the alarm about the climate catastrophe destroying our beautiful Earth and extinguishing our children’s futures.

Our actions will be disruptive, beautiful, naughty, serious and nonviolent. They will be created by local rebels in the tradition of the great nonviolent movements of the past. We welcome everyone who agrees with our principles and values and wants to take a stand by rising up in nonviolent rebellion with us.

In Portland, we will meet at 3pm downtown, at the Salmon Street Fountain on the waterfront. There will be some speeches and instruction, and then we'll leave at 3:30pm to perform a prolonged, disruptive, but peaceful and nonviolent civil disobedience action. Our plan is to occupy a stretch of road with a party-like atmosphere, impeding but not entirely blocking traffic, and with no property damage. You will be able to participate without blocking traffic as well.

Given the recent tension in Portland surrounding protests, we can't make any guarantees about the responses of the police or the public to our activities. However, we will make every effort to make the event family-friendly, peaceful, respectful, creative and celebratory. We ask that everyone wear masks to minimize the spread of COVID-19, and practice social distancing whenever possible.

A handful of rebels may take peaceful, nonviolent actions that cause them to risk arrest, but no one who hasn't been trained and prepared for this will be encouraged to do so. We hope hundreds of people show up with signs, banners, costumes, and passion in order to demand an end to the madness and to Rebel for Life.

For more info on Extinction Rebellion (XR) America, click here.

For more info on XR America Willamette Valley Coalition, click here.