Join the Renewed Call for a Just Pennsylvania

Sign up here to stand with us, stay up to date, and get involved in the fight to demand bold action from state lawmakers to keep our families safe today—and to build a stronger, healthier, and more just Commonwealth for the future.

In 2018 we launched our progressive agenda built from the ground up with input from people and organizations from across the state. In 2020, we are continuing our work with a renewed and bolder set of demands for what we’ve always known we needed, an expanded set of policy priorities to address COVID-19, and a deeper policy integration of our commitment to ensure Black Lives Matter in Pennsylvania. Will you stand with us?

Join us in making the following demands, which you can read in detail at this link:

  1. We want a fair return for our work.
  2. We want a great education for all of our kids.
  3. We want health care for all.
  4. We want affordable housing for all.
  5. We want everyone to pay their fair share by creating a more equitable tax system.
  6. We want public safety for all, through investment in our communities.
  7. We want every voice to be heard, and every vote to be counted.

When you sign up here in support of the We The People campaign, you’ll not only receive our bi-weekly state policy updates and get invited to monthly activist calls, you’ll also be connected to a network of activists and organizers across the state to coordinate on these efforts, hear first when events are being planned and how you can take part, and get updates on our policy recommendations and analysis.

We launch this 2020 agenda under two clouds: the COVID-19 pandemic and the nationwide demonstrations against police violence. Both show what We The People have long known—that neither our sacrifices in hard times nor our opportunities are equally distributed. We have let politicians who serve the interests of corporations and the rich divide us on the basis of what we look like, where we come from, where we worship, or how much money we have. These divisions have given us public policies that do too little to help most Pennsylvanians, while making the rich and corporations even wealthier. They have created militarized police forces that not only fail to keep us safe, but also repress the protests that demand justice.

The goal of the We The People -– PA campaign has always been to ensure that everyone can thrive, whether they are Black, brown, or white; native-born or immigrant, whether documented or undocumented; Asian or Latinx; poor or rich. Let's work together in 2020 to forge a new path forward that creates a Commonwealth that truly and equitably works for all Pennsylvanians. Please join us by signing your name!

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