US, South Korean and International Civil Society Organizations Call for the Suspension of US-ROK Combined Military Exercises

We, the undersigned civil society organizations in the United States, South Korea, and around the world, call on President Biden to suspend the annual US-South Korea (ROK) combined military exercises. Suspending these costly and highly provocative war exercises will be a crucial step toward re-starting genuine diplomacy with North Korea (DPRK). It will remove a formidable obstacle to a peaceful resolution of the ongoing 70-year-old Korean War and allow all parties to focus on other intractable global issues facing our nations today, such as creating a nuclear weapons-free world and resolving the current COVID-19 pandemic.

In the mid-1950s, just after the Korean War, the US and ROK began combined military exercises in South Korea that prepare for war with North Korea. In the 1970s the drills developed into large-scale exercises that mobilize considerable weapons, equipment and the deployment of US troops stationed in both South Korea as well as US bases outside the Korean Peninsula. Since the 2000s they have been based on operation plans that reportedly include pre-emptive strikes and “decapitation measures” against the North Korean leadership. Due to their scale and provocative nature, the annual US-ROK combined exercises have long been a trigger point for heightened military and political tensions on the Korean Peninsula.

For years these combined military exercises have involved the use of B-2 bombers (which are designed to drop nuclear bombs), nuclear-powered aircraft carriers and submarines, as well as the firing of long-range artillery and other weapons. They not only increased tensions on the Korean Peninsula, they have cost US taxpayers billions of dollars and have caused irreparable harm to local residents and the environment in South Korea.

At a time when the world is facing urgent humanitarian, environmental, and economic crises, these military exercises divert critically needed resources away from our capacity to provide true human security such as healthcare, a sustainable environment, and other priorities. Furthermore, they heighten geopolitical tensions and risk re-igniting a hot war on the Korean Peninsula, which would have catastrophic consequences for millions of people.

We want peace talks, not war drills and military confrontation. We urge the Biden Administration to resolve the root cause of the conflict between the United States and North Korea — the unresolved Korean War — which has driven a dangerous arms race, harmed the most vulnerable people through punishing sanctions, and enforced the tragic separation of hundreds of thousands of Korean families. Continuing to rely on isolation, pressure, and threats to force North Korea’s unilateral denuclearization is a recipe for failure.

Suspending the combined military exercises will be a major confidence-building measure toward renewing diplomacy to resolve the longstanding 70-year-old conflict with North Korea and, ultimately, achieve permanent peace and denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.


US Organizations (110)

Action One Korea

Alliance for Global Justice

American Friends Service Committee

ANSWER Coalition

Augusta Women in Black

Beyond War and Militarism

Campaign for Peace, Disarmament and Common Security

Center for Political Education

Channing and Popai Liem Education Foundation

Chicago Area Peace Action

Citizens Academy for Korean Americans

Coalition of Koreans in America

Code Pink

Columban Center for Advocacy and Outreach

Community Organizing Center

Democratic Socialists of America, Los Angeles

Environmentalists Against War

Family Mediation Center, Inc.

Fellowship of Reconciliation

Franklin County Continuing Political Revolution

Georgia WAND Education Fund

Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space

Good Neighborhood Church

Granny Peace Brigade Philadelphia

Grassroots Global Justice Alliance

Greater Brunswick Peace Works

Ha:n Ministry of United Methodist Church

Hawai’i Peace and Justice

Heung Coalition

International Action Center

Jeannette Rankin Peace Center

Jewish Voice for Peace

June 15 U.S. Committee for Reunification of Korea

Justice Is Global

Korea Peace Network

Korea Peace Now Grassroots Network

Korea Policy Institute

Korean American Civic Action

Korean American National Coordinating Council

Korean American Network for Democracy

Korean Americans for the Progressive Party of Korea
Korean Peace Alliance

Kaua`i Alliance for Peace and Social Justice

Leonard Peltier Defense Committee


Massachusetts Korea Peace Campaign

Massachusetts Peace Action

Maui Peace Action

Mennonite Central Committee U.S. Washington Office

Military Poisons

Minjung Solidarity of New York

MLK Coalition Of Greater Los Angeles

Nabi USA – Los Angeles

Nabi USA – Washington DC

National Association of Korean Americans

National Institute of Hahmsokhon’s Philosophy

National Lawyers Guild at Northeastern University

New Jersey Peace Action

New York Association for Gender Rights Advocacy

New Hampshire Peace Action

Nodutdol for Korean Community Development


Olympia Coalition to Abolish Nuclear Weapons

Pacific Asian Network Alliance

Pan Korean Alliance for Reunification USA

Parallax Perspectives

Peace Action USA

Peace Action Maine

Peace Action New York State

Peace Action of San Mateo County

Peace Action of Wisconsin

Peace and Freedom Party

Peace 21

People for Truth and Hope North Carolina

Philadelphia New Voice

Physicians for Social Responsibility

Popular Resistance

Presbyterian Peace Network for Korea

Sasase Chicago

Seattle Evergreen Coalition

Show Up! America

Solar Workers Union

Support Committee for Korean Prisoners of Conscience USA

Taos Environmental Film Festival

United Methodist Church Northern Illinois Conference

Through Design LLC

United for Peace and Justice

Union del Barrio

United Methodist Church General Board of Church and Society

United Methodist Women

US Campaign for Palestinian Rights

Veterans For Peace

Veterans For Peace New York City Chapter 34

Veterans For Peace Twin Cities Chapter 27

Veterans for Peace Hawai’i Chapter 113

Veterans For Peace Los Angeles

Veterans For Peace Phil Berrigan Memorial Chapter

War Prevention Initiative

Western New York Peace Center

Western States Legal Foundation

Win Without War

WNC 4 Peace

Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom Maine

Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom Greater Philadelphia Branch

Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom US

Women Against War

Women Cross DMZ

Women for Genuine Security

Woorimadang Chicago

World BEYOND War

South Korean Organizations (198)

4.16 교육연구소 (4.16 ERI)

4.27 시대연구원 (4.27 Era Research)

6.15 공동선언실천 남측위원회 (South Korean Committee on June 15th Joint Declaration)

6.15 공동선언실천 남측위원회 경기본부 (South Korean Committee on June 15th Joint Declaration Gyeonggi Branch)

6.15 공동선언실천 남측위원회 경기중부본부 (South Korean Committee on June 15th Joint Declaration Gyeonggijoongboo Branch)

6.15 공동선언실천 남측위원회 서울본부 (South Korean Committee on June 15th Joint Declaration Seoul Branch)

6.15 공동선언실천 남측위원회 인천본부 (South Korean Committee on June 15th Joint Declaration Incheon Branch)

6.15 공동선언실천 남측위원회 전남본부 (South Korean Committee on June 15th Joint Declaration Jeonnam Branch)

6.15 공동선언실천 남측위원회 전북본부 (South Korean Committee on June 15th Joint Declaration Jeonbuk Branch)

6.15 공동선언실천 남측위원회 진주시민운동본부 (South Korean Committee on June 15th Joint Declaration Jinju Branch)

6.15 공동선언실천 남측위원회 청년학생본부 (South Korean Committee on June 15th Joint Declaration, Youth & Students Headquarters)

615시민합창단 (615 Civic Chorus)

강정 국제팀 (Gangjeong International Team)

강정마을 해군기지 반대 주민회 (Association of Gangjeong Villagers against the Jeju Navy Base)

강정평화네트워크 (Gangjeong Peace Network)

개성관광 재개운동본부 (Kaesong Tourism Center)

개척자들 (The Frontiers)

경기여성단체연합 (Gyeonggi Women’s Associations United)

경기장애인인권포럼 (The Human Rights Forum of Persons With Disabilities, Gyeonggi)

경기정의평화기독교행동 (Gyeonggi Christian Action for Justice and Peace)

경남우리교육공동체 (KNWG)

고양파주흥사단 (Goyang Paju Young Korean Academy)

광주전남교수연구자연합 (Gwangju Jeonnam Professors and Researchers Association in Korea)

광주전남대학민주동우회협의회 (KJUDA)

광주전남대학생진보연합 (Gwangju Jeonnam University Student Progressive Alliance)

광주전남민주화운동동지회 (Gwangju Jeonnam Democratic Movement Association)

광주전남시민행동 (Gwangju Cimin Action)

광주진보연대 (Gwangju Alliance Progress Movement)

교육희망울산학부모회 (Ulsan Parents’ Association Hope for Education)

국민주권연대 광주전남 지역본부 (Gwangju Alliance Popular Sovereignty)

국민주권연대 제주본부 (National Sovereignty Coalition Cheju Headquarters)

군산미군기지우리땅찾기시민모임 (Gunsan Citizens’ Society to Reclaim the Land from US Forces in Korea)

귀농사모 (Korea Refarmer Association)

극단허리 (Central Theatre Company)

기지촌여성인권연대 (Solidarity for USFK Comfort Women’s Human Rights)

김제정의평화행동 (Gimje Justice Peace Action)

노동문예창작단 가자 (Let’s go)

노후희망유니온인천본부 (Hope Union)

녹색당 (Green Party Korea)

녹색연합 (Green Korea United)

대북협력민간단체협의회 (Korea NGO Council for Cooperation with North Korea)

대한불교조계종 민족공동체추진본부 (Office for the Promotion of National Unity)

독도사랑협의회 (Association of Dokdo Sarang)

독립유공자유족회 (Association of Bereaved of Independence Merit)

동학천도교보국안민실천연대 (Donghak-Chondogyo Network for People)

두레방쉼터 (My Sister’s Place)

몽양역사아카데미 (The Academy of Mongyang)

미디어기독연대 (Media Christian Solidarity)

민족문제연구소전북지부 (The Center for Historical Truth and Justice Jeonbuk Regional Council)

민족자주 평화통일 광주전남 지역회의 (Minjok Jajoo Pyonghwa Tongil Gwangju Jeonnam Jiyeok Hoe-ui)

민주노점상전국연합 (Korea Democratic Street Venders Confederation)

민주사회를 위한 변호사모임 (Minbyun Lawyers for a Democratic Society)

민주평등사회를 위한 전국교수연구자협의회 (Association of Professors and Researchers for Democracy and Equality)

복음 시니어 선교회 (Gospel Senior Ministry)

부산우리민족서로돕기운동 (KBSM)

비무장평화의섬제주를만드는사람들 (People Making Jeju a Demilitarized Peace Island)

(사)겨레하나 (Movement For One Korea)

(사)광주전남겨레하나 (Movement For One Korea Gwangju and Jeonnam regional headquarters)

(사)대구여성회 (Daegu Women’s Association)

(사)어린이어깨동무 (Okedongmu Children in Korea)

(사)어린이의약품지원본부 (Medical Aid for Children)

(사)우리누리평화운동 (Urinuri Peace Corp.)

(사)인천겨레하나 (Incheon Movement for One Korea)

(사)전북겨레하나 (Jeonbuk Corporation Action for One Korea Inc., Assoc.)

(사)정의 평화 인권을 위한 양심수후원회 (NGO for Prisoners of Justice Peace and Human Rights)

(사)코리아국제평화포럼 (Korea International Peace Forum)

(사)통일코리아 지도자회 (Unification Korea Leader Association)

(사)평화삼천 (The Corea Peace 3000)

(사)평화철도 (Peace Railway)

사단법인 노동희망발전소 (Corporation of Hope Plant for Labor)

사단법인 녹색교통운동 (Networks for Green Transport)

사단법인 하나누리 (Hananuri)

사단법인 한말호남의병기념사업회 (Work of Commemoration for the Righteous Army in Honam Region in the Late Period of Chosun)

사단법인 전북교육마당 (Jeonbuk EDU-Madang Inc., Assoc.)

사드배치반대 김천시민대책위원회 (Anti-THAAD Gimcheon Civil Action Committee)

사월혁명회 (April Revolution Association)

삼성일반노조 (Samsung Union)

새로운 100년을 여는 통일의병 (Tongil Euibyung)

새로하나 (New One)

생명평화정의전북기독행동 (Jeonbuk Christian Action for Life Peace & Justice)

생명평화포럼 (Life and Peace Forum)

서해5도평화운동본부 (West Sea Five island Peace Movement Headquarters)

선한시민의힘 (Power of Good Citizens)

성골롬반외방선교회 (Columban Mission Society Korea)

성주군 농민회 (Seongjugun Nongminhoe)

성주사드투쟁위 (No THAAD Seongju)

세종 통일을 만드는 사람들 (Sejong People who make Reunification of Korea)

소성리사드철회 성주주민대책위원회 (Seongju Soseongri Villagers’ Association against THAAD)

수원여성회 (Suwon Women’s Association)

시민평화포럼 (Civil Peace Forum)

아나키스트 의열단 (Anarchist Eouyelldan)

아시아의친구들 (Friends Of Asia)

아시아평화시민넷 (Asia Citizen’s Network for Peace)

액션원코리아 (Action One Korea)

양심수 후원회 (Yangsimsoo Huwonhwe)

양용찬열사추모사업회 (Martyre Yong Chan-Yang Memorial Association)

여성평화운동네트워크 (Korean Women’s Movement for Peace)

열린군대를위한시민연대 (Civilian Military Watch)

예수살기 (Living with Jesus)

오산이주노동자센터 (Osan Migrant Workers Center)

오월을 사랑하는 사람들의 모임 (Ohsamo)

울산여성회 (Ulsan Women’s Association)

울산진보연대 (Ulsan Alliance For Progressive Movement)

원불교 성주성지수호비상대책위원회 (The Won-Buddhist Emergency Committee to Guard the Sacred Site at Seongju)

이석규민주노동열사기념사업회 (Lee Seok-gyu Democracy Labor Ardent Sprits Memorial Foundation)

인권교육센터 들 (Human Rights Education Center – Deul)

인천노사모 (Incheon Nosamo)

인천여성회 (ICWA)

인천평화복지연대 (Incheon Network for Peace & Welfare)

일본군성노예제문제 해결을 위한 정의기억연대 (The Korean Council for Justice and Remembrance for the Issues of Military Sexual Slavery by Japan)

자유언론실천재단 (Korea Foundation for Free Press)

자주평화통일실천연대 (Solidarity for Independent Peaceful Reunification of Korea)

작은형제회 (Order of Friars Minor)

작은형제회 JPIC (OFM Korea JPIC)

전국교직원노동조합 (Korea Teachers’ Union)

전국교직원노동조합 안산지회 (Korean Teachers and Education Workers Union Ansan)

전국교직원노동조합 제주지부 (Korean Teachers and Education Workers Union Jeju)

전국농민회총연맹 (Korea Peasants League)

전국농민회총연맹 전북도연맹 (Jeollabuk-Do League, Members of Korean Peasant League)

전국민주노동조합총연맹 (Korean Confederation of Trade Unions)

전국민주노동조합총연맹 경기도본부 (Korean Confederation of Trade Unions Gyeonggi Regional Council)

전국민주노동조합총연맹 인천지역본부 (Korean Confederation of Trade Unions Incheon Regional Council)

전국민주노동조합총연맹 전북본부 (Korean Confederation of Trade Unions Jeonbuk Regional Council)

전국빈민연합 (Korea Urban Poor Association)

전국여성농민회총연합 (Korean Women Peasants Association)

전국여성연대 (Korea Women’s Alliance)

전국청소년행동연대 날다 (Korea Youth Movement Union Nalda)

전남진보연대 (Jeonnam Alliance For Progressive Movement)

전북교육마당 (Jeonbuk Edu Madang)

전북기독교교회협의회 (JBNCC)

전북미래교육연구소 (Jeonbuk Institute of Future Education)

전북민중행동 (Jeonbuk People Movement)

전북유아보육연대회의 (Korean People Early Childhood Education and Childcare Solidarity Meeting)

전북지역대학생겨레하나 (JBUNIV One Korea)

전북청년겨레하나 (Jeonbuk Youth for One Korea)

전북평화와인권연대 (Solidarity for Peace and Human Rights)

전북평화회의 (Jeonbuk Peace Council)

정의당 전북도당 (Justice Party in Jeonbuk)

제주통일청년회 (Jeju Youth Group for Unification)

제주평화인권센터 (Jeju Peace Human Rights Center)

진보당 (The Progressive Party)

진보당 거제시위원회 (The Progressive Party Geoje-si Committee)

진보당 경상남도당 (The Progressive Party Gyeongnam Committee)

진보당 김해시위원회 (The Progressive Party Gimhae-si Committee)

진보당 보성군위원회 (The Progressive Party Boseong-gun Committee)

진보당 성남수정구지역위원회 (The Progressive Party Sungnam-si Sujeong-gu regional committee)

진보당 인천시당 (The Progressive Party Incheon Committee)

진보당 전북도당 (The Progressive Party Jeonbuk Committee)

진보당 제주도당 (The Progressive Party Jeju Committee)

진보당 창원시 성산구 지역위원회 (The Progressive Party Changwon-si Seongsan-gu Committee)

진보대학생넷 (Jinbo College Student Network)

참살이문학 (Chamsari Munhak)

참여연대 (People’s Solidarity for Participatory Democracy)

창원진보연합 (Changwon Jinbo)

창작21작가회 (Changjak 21)

천주교정의구현전국연합 (Korean Catholic Federation for Justice)

촛불혁명당 (Candle Revolution Party)

촛불혁명완성연대 (Booklight Solidarity for Completion Candlelight Revolution)

통일나무 (One Korea Tree)

통일민주협의회 (The Council Democracy for Unification)

통일사회연구소 (Korean Reunification Society Research Institute)

통일엔평화 (Unification and Peace)

통일의길 (The Happy March For One Korea)

통일청년회 (Youth Group for Unification)

팍스크리스티 코리아 (Pax Christi Korea)

평택 건강과 생명을 지키는 사람들 (People Who Protect Pyeongtaek Health and Life)

평택안성흥사단 (Young Korean Academy Pyeongtaek)

평택청년플랫폼 피:움 (Pyeongtaek Youth Platform P:um)

평택평화센터 (Pyeongtaek Peace Center)

평택평화시민행동 (Pyeongtaek Peace Citizen Action)

평택협동사회네트워크사회적협동조합 (Pyeongtaek Cooperative Social Network Social Cooperative)

평화네트워크 (Peace Network)

평화를만드는여성회 (Women Making Peace)

평화바닥 (Peace Ground)

평화바람 (Peace Wind)

평화비경기연대 (Gyeonggi Solidarity for Statue of Peace)

평화어머니회 (Peace Mothers of Korea)

평화통일기도회 (Prayer Meeting for Korea Peace and Reunification)

평화협정운동본부 (Peace Treaty Movement)

평화협정운동인천본부 (Peace Treaty Movement, Incheon)

프란치스코 수도원 (Franciscan Friary)

피스모모 (Peace Momo)

한반도중립화통일협의회 (Center for Korean Peninsula Neutralization)

한국 YMCA 전주지부 만인회 (YMCA 10,000 Committee for Korea Peace and Reunification, Jeonju)

한국기독교교회협의회 화해통일위원회 (Reconciliation and Reunification Committee, the National Council of Churches in Korea)

한국기지평화네트워크 (Korean Peace Network Against Military Bases)

한국노동조합총연맹 (Federation of Korean Trade Unions)

한국대학생진보연합 (Korea University Advancement Association)

한국신학대학 민주화운동 동지회 (Hankuk Theogical Semiary)

한국작가회의 (Writers Association of Korea)

한국진보연대 (Korea Alliance For Progressive Movement)

한국청년연대 (Korea Youth Solidarity)

한국YMCA전국연맹 (National Council of YMCAs of Korea)

한국YWCA연합회 (National YWCA of Korea)

한반도 평화와 통일을 위한 YMCA 만인회 (YMCA 10,000 Committee for Korea Peace and Reunification)

한베평화재단 (Korea Vietnam Peace Foundation)

흥사단 (Young Korean Academy)

KT민주동지회 (KT Democratic Comrades)

International Organizations (81)

6.15 Japan Committee

6.15 Overseas Committee

Aksi Lilin Jakarta, Indonesia

Alliance of Progressive Canadians

Article 9 Canada

Association of Roman Catholic Women Priests

ATTAC Hungary Association

Australian Anti-Bases Campaign Coalition

Bagong Alyansang Makabayan (BAYAN)-Canada

Belgium Korea Friendship Association

Cameroon for a World Beyond War

Canada-Philippines Solidarity Organization

Catholic Council for Justice and Peace, Japan

Center for Peace Education, Philippines

Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies, Cambodia

China Anti-Japanese History Memorial Association

Code Pink Canada

Coop-Anti-War-Café, World Beyond War, Germany

Democratic Congress of World Koreans Australia

Frente Anti-impèrialista Internacionalista, Spain

Friends of “Comfort Women,” Australia

Global Korean Democratic Association, Laos

Global Uchinanchu Alliance, Okinawa

I Hagan Famalao’an Guahan, Guam

Independent and Peaceful Australia Network

Independent Guåhan, Guam

June 15 Overseas Committee for Reunification of Korea, Canada

Just Peace Committee, Canada

KILUSAN Para sa Pambansang Demikrasya (Movement for National Democracy), Philippines

Korea Peace Now! Women Mobilizing to End the War

Korea Truth Commission Canada

Korean-Canberran Action, Australia

Korean Democratic Women’s Association, Japan

Korean Honam Association, Australia

Korea People Action Global Network

Korean Taekwondo Association, Brazil

Korean Youth & Student Council of 6.15 Japan Regional Committee

KPA Global Network

Le Mouvement de la Paix, France

Maison de Minjok, France

Marrickville Peace Group, Australia

Minju Forum, Canada

No Harbour For War, Canada

No to War – No to NATO Network

NPO Samcheonri Railway, Japan

Okinawa Women Act Against Military Violence

Osaka Minju Yonhap

Pacific Peace Network, Australia

Pagkakaisa ng Kababaihan para sa Kalayaan (Unity of Women for Freedom), Philippines

Pax Christi Aotearoa New Zealand

Pax Christi Asia Pacific

Pax Christi Australia

Pax Christi Philippines

Peace Action Wellington, New Zealand

Peace and Neutrality Alliance, Ireland

Peace Boat, Japan

Peace People, Northern Ireland

Peace Philosophy Centre, Canada

Peace Treaty Now!

Peace Women Partners, Philippines

Philippine Women Network on Peace and Security

Pivot2Peace, Canada

Prutehi Litekyan: Save Ritidian, Guam

Rochdale and Littleborough Peace Group, United Kingdom


Shannonwatch, Ireland

Solidarität der Korianer in Europa (Solidarity of Korean People in Europe)

Stop the War Coalition Philippines

True Colors Coalition, Philippines

United Church of Canada

United Church Rural Ministry Network, Canada

Veteranos Por la Paz España (Veterans For Peace, Chapter #1005), Spain

Veterans for Peace ROCK, Okinawa

Victoria Peace Coalition, Canada

Women Against Nuclear Power, Finland

Women for Peace, Finland

Women for Peace, Sweden

Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom

World Beyond War New Zealand

World Beyond War Spain

Youth for Nationalism and Democracy, Philippines