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How to register to testify remotely for a committee hearing:

  1. Click:
  2. Click on House or Senate
  3. Once you are on the Committee Sign-In page, select the committee and meeting of your interest.
  4. Select the bill for which you would like to testify remotely.
  5. Select “I would like to Testify Live During the Hearing.” Remote testimony registration will close 1 hour before the start time of the hearing.
  6. Complete the required fields on the registration form, including your position on the bill, whether you will testify individually or testify as a panel, your personal information, organization name (if affiliated with any), and press submit to register.
  7. Please ensure your registration information is accurate. The information you provide will be a part of the legislative record.
  8. After you register you will receive email confirmation with a unique link to join the hearing. This link only works for you. If you sign in as a panel each panel member will receive their own link.

Information about testifying remotely:

  1. After you register for remote testimony, you will receive a Zoom link to the committee hearing. Each Zoom link is unique to the registrant, so sharing of the zoom link is prohibited.
  2. Both video conference and phone participation are allowed for remote testimony.
  3. Please click here for more information on zoom meeting instructions.
  4. There is no guarantee that all who register to testify will have the opportunity to speak or be able to speak at a specific time.
  5. Participants might be required to limit comments to as little as one minute per testifier.
  6. Please remember to maintain proper meeting decorum:
    1. Wait to be acknowledged by the Chair before speaking
    2. Follow rules for testimony established by the Chair of the committee


If you require accommodation to testify before a committee, please refer to options on the Legislature’s Americans with Disabilities Act Information page.


Written Testimony Guide

How to submit written testimony:

  1. Click:
  2. Click on House or Senate
  3. Once you are on the Committee Sign-In page, select the committee and meeting of your interest.
  4. Select the bill for which you would like to submit a written testimony.
  5. Select “I would like to Submit Written Testimony.” Written testimony will close 24 hours after the start time of the hearing.
  6. Complete the required fields on the form, including your personal information, your position on the bill, your written testimony, and press submit.
  7. Your comments will be sent to legislative members and staff of the committee, and will be included in the legislative record, but will not be used as part of testimony summary materials on the bill report.

Sign in on the Record

How to sign into a hearing without testifying:

  1. Click:
  2. Click on House or Senate
  3. Once you are on the Committee Sign-In page, select the committee and meeting of your interest.
  4. Select the bill for which you would like to submit a written testimony.
  5. Select “I would like my Position Noted for the Legislative Record.”
  6. Complete the required fields on the form, including your personal information, your position on the bill, your written testimony, and press submit.
  7. The information you provide will be made available to legislative committee members and staff of the committee, and will be included in the legislative record.


Provide input to legislators on issues in committee. You may provide testimony to a committee, comment on a bill, or contact legislators.

Click here to participate in remote testimony committee hearings


Permission to reprint this publication is granted by the author, DRW, provided that the publication is distributed free of charge and with attribution. If you do disseminate any DRW document, please send us an email to letting us know the nature of the audience and number of people with whom it was shared.

For more on testifying, please see “TIPS FOR PROVIDING REMOTE TESTIMONY” by the Washington Legislative and Policy Advocates.