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Frederick Melo

Community organizations in St. Paul could soon score $2 million in federal funding to support placemaking and small business initiatives in ethnic neighborhoods.

U.S. Rep. Betty McCollum announced Tuesday that the Financial Services Appropriations bill heading to the House floor for debate includes two separate $1 million grants for community development projects led by the Neighborhood Development Center and LISC Twin Cities. The bill must also receive Senate approval.

The Neighborhood Development Center’s “Small Business Incubator Project” would help business owners of color buy space in their own neighborhoods to successfully launch their businesses. The federal funds would be distributed to five projects. The funds would also help NDC’s University Avenue training center to support other economic development organizations locally and nationally.

The LISC Twin Cities “Creative Placemaking Project” would receive $1 million toward four or five grants for cultural districts such as Little Mekong, Little Africa/Midway, Frogtown/Rondo and East Seventh Street. The funding would support a small business incubator space, affordable commercial space and community arts and event space. Funding would also support technical assistance for entrepreneurs of color and community organizations, and a guide showcasing how businesses and artists can work together in ways that are mutually beneficial.

The overall bill incudes $29.1 billion in funding, an increase of $4.8 billion over 2021.