
U-46 offers COVID-19 vaccine clinics at all 40 elementary schools

With federal health officials now recommending that children, age 5 to 11, be vaccinated against COVID-19, Elgin Area School District U-46 is holding optional vaccine clinics at all 40 of its elementary schools this month.

The clinics will allow these students to be vaccinated with the pediatric dose of the Pfizer vaccine during the school day. For a student to participate, their parent or guardian must register them for the first and second doses of the vaccine, and submit a consent form to their school nurse.

There is no mandate for students to participate, it is completely optional and free. The vaccine clinics will be held in school libraries.

"I know that many families of younger children have been eagerly awaiting the chance to give them the protection offered by the COVID-19 vaccine," said Superintendent Tony Sanders. "We decided to offer these clinics at our elementary schools as a service to our busy families. They won't need to worry about transportation or locating a trusted provider, and their children can be vaccinated in a place that is familiar and comfortable to them."

The vaccine clinics will start at 13 of U-46's elementary schools on Friday, Nov. 12, with another 13 schools hosting clinics on Friday, Nov. 19, and the final 14 holding their events on Tuesday, Nov. 23.

Because the pediatric COVID-19 vaccine requires two doses, students will receive their second shot about three weeks after their first, also at school.

Parents who want to be present while their child is vaccinated will be able to do so by letting the school know in advance, answering a few COVID-19 screening questions upon their arrival, and using the District's normal guest-management system to receive a temporary ID.

More information about U-46's elementary COVID-19 clinics can be found at

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